Call For Invited Session
Call for Invited Sessions
The Organizing Committee of the 5th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical Human Systems invites proposals for invited sessions to be presented at the conference. Invited sessions provide an opportunity for the community to focus on and discuss emerging topics. Invited session topics are welcome on a broad range of areas of relevance to CPHS, including (but not limited to) the following topics:
Modeling, analysis, and control of integrated CPHS
The multitude of humans and autonomous elements
Social and societal aspects of CPHS
Interface transparency between humans and CPS
Dynamic interaction and teaming of humans and autonomy
Proposal Content
Prospective organizers of invited sessions are encouraged to discuss their ideas with the Invited Sessions Chair, prior to submission. Proposals should include the following information:
Title of the invited session
Organizers of the invited session
Brief session description (2-3 paragraphs), explaining the goal of the invited session and the overarching themes of the submitted papers
Corresponding keywords
A list of potential paper titles, contributing authors with affiliations, corresponding authors with email, and tentative short abstracts of the papers
Proposals should be submitted via Paperplaza. We recommended that invited session proposals have six submissions. The submissions can be regular papers and extended abstracts.
The submission deadline for the invited session proposals is May 24, 2024. Once the proposals are submitted, the system will provide an invited session code. The session organizers will then provide this code to the authors participating in the invited session. These authors will use the code when they submit their papers/abstracts by the regular paper submission deadline of May 31st, 2024.
Papers that are part of an invited session proposal will undergo the same peer review process as 2024 CPHS regular papers. If the invited session does not have enough papers accepted, then other papers may be added to the session. If the session proposal is not accepted or the session is cancelled due to a shortage of accepted papers, the accepted papers submitted to the invited session will be moved to regular sessions in related areas.
Contact Information
For any enquiries concerning the invited session, please contact the Invited Session Chair, Assist. Prof. Burcu Aysen Urgen (